Members of parliament on the Committee of Finance have raised concerns over the individuals and reasons fronted by Government to exempt eight companies and individuals from paying taxes worth Shs13.391Bn, with MPs wondering why Government is asking to have some taxpayers forgiven from meeting their tax obligation, despite its own struggles to fund its budget.
The concerns followed a request by Henry Musasizi, Minister of State for Finance (General Duties) to have companies like; Makerere Business Institute, Nkumba University, J2E Investment Corporation Limited, Nicontra Ltd, Kisiizi Hospital Power Ltd, Busoga University, and also individauls including; Peter Lokwang and Donati Kananura.
However, when Hon. Ibrahim Ssemujju (Kira Municipality) demanded for details on the owners of some of the companies like J2E Investment Corporation whose tax obligation is to a tune of Shs2.718Bn, and has close ties with the Army, the Minister admitted